فراترکیب مطالعات پیاده‌روی اربعین در جهت شناسایی الگوی عوامل مؤثر

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار گروه مدیریت و مدیر گروه پژوهشی پویایی‌شناسی سیستم‌ها، موسسه آموزش عالی امام جواد(ع)، یزد


حادثه روز عاشورا ضمن اینکه حادثه‌ای بزرگ و تأثیرگذار در تاریخ است، فرایندی اثرگذار و حادثه‌ساز نیز است به همین دلیل فرموده شده است که کُلُّ یَومٍ عاشورا و کُلُّ أرضٍ کَربَلا. یکی از این حوادث، پیاده‌روی اربعین است که جز شعائر دینی – مذهبی (شیعی) بوده ولی اثری بزرگ‌تر از چارچوب یک دین یا مذهب ایجاد کرده است. اربعین به دلیل عمق زیاد حادثه عاشورا و اجتماع حاصل از راهپیمایی در آن روز می‌تواند دارای عوامل، ابعاد و کارکردهای مختلفی باشد که فهم آن می‌تواند در بسط و ترویج فرهنگ اربعین، استفاده از کارکردهای آن در مسائل فرهنگی، دینی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی، سیاسی و... مؤثر باشد. لذا در این مقاله به کشف الگوی عوامل مؤثر بر پیاده‌روی اربعین با استفاده از روش فراترکیب پرداخته شده است. برای این منظور مقالات علمی به زبان فارسی با جستجوی واژه‌ی اربعین در عنوان، چکیده و کلیدواژه پرداخته که از 322 مقاله یافته شده 86 مقاله مرتبط و موردبررسی دقیق قرار گفت. نتایج نشان داد که بیشتر مطالعات در حوزه فرهنگی – اجتماعی و دینی بوده و قدرت نرم و ظرفیت تمدن‌سازی اربعین وجه غالب مطالعات است؛ لذا نیاز است در حوزه‌ی رسانه برای ترویج جهانی اربعین و تمدن‌سازی مطالعه و کارهای عملی انجام شود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Meta-Synthesis of Arba'een Walking Studies in Order to Identify the Pattern of Effective Factors

نویسنده [English]

  • Ali Haji Haji Gholam Saryazdi
Assistant Professor, Department of Management and director of the Systems Dynamics Research Group, Imam Javad Institute of Higher Education, Yazd.
چکیده [English]

Purpose: The incident of the day of Ashura, besides being a great and influential incident in history, is also an effective and incident-making process, for this reason it has been said that the entire day of Ashura and the entire land of Karbala. One of these events is Arba'een, which is one of the religious rituals (Shia), but it has created a bigger effect than the framework of a religion or religion. Due to the great depth of the Ashura event and the community resulting from the procession on that day, Arba'een can have different factors, dimensions and functions, which can be understood in the development and promotion of Arba'een culture, the use of its functions in cultural, religious, economic, social, political and... be effective. Therefore, in this article, the pattern of influential and influential factors on Arba'een Walking has been explored using Meta-Synthesis method.
Methodology: In this article, the Meta-Synthesis qualitative method is used. The Meta-Synthesis method deals with the analysis of data, theories, and the research method of the subject literature and seeks to build a new theory, develop a conceptual model, identify existing gaps, integrate the findings, provide a new explanation of the studied phenomenon, and expand the understanding of new knowledge. For this purpose, scientific articles in Persian language were searched by searching for the word Arbaeen in the title, abstract and keywords, and out of 322 articles found, 86 articles were related and carefully examined.
Findings: Studies in the field of Arbaeen walking have started since 2017 and have grown exponentially. Most of the magazines in which the articles were published were in the cultural-social and religious fields rather than political and economic. In the review of articles, 6 main categories, 41 concepts and 430 primary codes were identified. In other words, the studies can be classified into 6 categories: media and communication sciences, socio-cultural, political and power, management and economy, health and religion (belief). Finally, these 6 categories were designed in the form of a conceptual model in 4 areas of factors that create and strengthen the foundation and obstacles of Arbaeen as inputs and the benefits of Arbaeen and its harms as the effects of Arbaeen. Also, the results showed that in terms of the number of articles and attention, the cultural-social, religious (religious), political and economic issues are at the end of the media and health issues.
Conclusion: The article shows that most of the studies have been in the cultural-social and religious field and contrary to the claims of the opposing media and some people have political bias, the Arbaeen walk is more affected and influential in the cultural-social and religious field than political and a means of showing power. In other words, the soft power of Arbaeen dominates its hard power. On the other hand, if the opposing media or uninformed people have a purely political view of this issue, it is because of the lack of media work in this field, and it is suggested that this issue be strengthened while strengthening the media work, both people-oriented and official. The soft power and civilizing capacity of Arbaeen is the dominant aspect of studies. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out both study and practical work in the field of media to promote Arbaeen globally.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ashura
  • Imam Hussain (AS)
  • Arba'een walking
  • Meta-Synthesis
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