The framework of designing a fair system for the new Islamic civilization (Based on the theory of provincial justice)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Affiliated with Justice Think tank.

2 Affiliated with Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute.

3 Affiliated with Justice Think tank


Purpose: The natural motive of the people is to establish justice, and this inner motive with Wilayat (the link between the people and the Imam) is transformed into a collective motive (development). In the theory of provincial justice, the actor (the just individual and the just community), the active (society) and the action (the design of a just system) are explained and a solid basis of the concept and nature of justice and how to establish it is presented, which can be the basis of action. People especially to design a fair system in the new Islamic civilization.
This article, by reviewing the dimensions of the theory of provincial justice, including the just individual, the just community, and the design of a just system, has determined the model of the implementation of justice in practice. The characteristics of a just person can be explained in three areas: faith, morals and righteous action (individual righteous action). The characteristics of a just community can also be explained in three areas: the just method of social interaction, consistent systems in the administration of society, and the just progress of society in the provincial system.
The established systems in the administration of community affairs are divided into five areas: the political justice system, the economic justice system, the social
justice system, the cultural and intergenerational justice system, and the judicial justice system and compensation for lost rights.
In order to design a fair system in each area, it is necessary to systematically determine the issues related to justice. The question of this research is, what should be the necessary steps to design a fair system in every issue?
Methodology: The method of this research is an expert panel.
Findings: result obtained from this research is that in every issue, these ten steps must be followed in order to establish justice:

Clarification of the problem,
deep religious understanding (of the Qur'an and Atrat),
Determining the rights and duties of the rightful and the criteria of public satisfaction,
Examining solutions and choosing the appropriate solution (using from human experiences),
Formulation of fair rules: based on equality, proportional - by determining criteria, measure and measurement tools - and complementary,
Designing fair processes, balanced and proportional structure and criteria of competence of managers,
Designing tools or efficient system with correct and complete information,
design review with experts, finalization with stakeholders, consensus building with trustees,
Establishment of justice / installment,
Evaluation and correction.



Main Subjects

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