Necessity of studying Civilization in Imamate thought

Document Type : Original Article


1 High level lecturer of intellectual sciences at Qom seminary Qom - Iran

2 Assistant professor and faculty of Bagheral Uloom University Qom - Iran


Purpose: The Islamic Revolution stands at the threshold of a civilizational renaissance. Since Imāmiyya Shia (Twelver Shīʿism) religion is considered as its theoretical background, obviously, to effectively compete with other ideologies, is crucial for Imamiyya Shia to leverage its core principles in order to construct a new Islamic civilization. By examining the inherent capabilities and civilizational prospects Imamic thought, we can determine the superiority of its Islamic and Shiite ideology. And show that the concept of Imamate, a fundamental pillar of Shi'ism, possesses significant soft power and ideological capital, making it imperative to study its potential for building a Islamic civilization. What capabilities do they have to build a new Islamic civilization?.
Civilizations require a software and theoretical framework to thrive and remain stable, and lacking that they either do not take off or are not stable and will quickly decline. Imamate, as a Shiite civilizational criterion, is the provider of this theoretical layer for the modern Islamic civilization. Achieving comprehensive progress a prerequisite for a balanced civilization, necessitates in-depth development and expansion of sciences, particularly in the realm of civilizational studies. If this civilization is to be formed and move forward based on Imamat, it must be involved with the issues of civilization. The introduction of this process is the recognition of the necessity of civilizational research and studies in the thought of Imamate.
Because recognizing the necessity of investigations and studies is one of the preliminary topics for entering into any theoretical discussions on a subject, and neglecting this, will beards some challenges for such studies.
On the other hand, explaining the necessity of these studies has been the basis for drawing and discovering the prospects of its development in the realm of thought and theory.
Achieving all-round progress that is necessary to reach a balanced civilization, except with the deepening and development of human sciences in vain of this discussions is not achievable.
This research tries to provide the necessary platforms for the production of theoretical literature of Islamic civilization based on the doctrine of Imamate in Shiism; Because the clearer, more precise and stronger the theoretical literature of a phenomenon is, the greater the possibility of its realization.
This literature helps the rulers and politicians to move towards the general horizon of civilization, to base the general policies of the system in various fields on the general direction of civilization, and it is useful for the researchers of this field to pay attention to the evolution of such researches.
Methodology: The current research is organized based on the library method and analytical approach.
Findings: Considering that civilizational studies in the thought of Imamate is a broad and practical approach to this theological doctrine, this approach can clarify its capacities for modern Islamic civilization and extend the domain of Imam's affairs to social fields.
Conclusion: This research shows that producing theoretical literature for civilization building and inflating civilizational issues, maximizing the heritage, clarifying the advantages of Islamic thought over material thought, discovering the existing general capacity and creating harmony between them, identifying the gaps and leading researches to bridge the theoretical gaps, the maximum assessment of the capacities of the Islamic religion and smoothing the process of achieving a new Islamic civilization, the ability to implement the social rules of Islam, the alignment and synergy of epistemological research on a large scale, Getting rid of generalization and leading to problem-centeredness and practicalization are also some of the factors showing the necessity of civilizational studies in the thought of Imamat.


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