The relationship between the administration of justice and the reduction of corruption for the realization of modern Islamic civilization with an emphasis on the life of Imam Ali (AS)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Islamic Studies, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Revolution, Department of Islamic Studies, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of the Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Quranic Sciences and Education, Qom, Iran.

4 Senior student of philosophy of social sciences, University of Tehran, Islamic


Purpose: Among the goals that can be considered for this research is to prove that the administration of justice leads to the reduction of corruption, and it is well seen in the biography of Imam Ali (a.s.) that the implementation of justice causes the reduction of corruption in the society.
Methodology: The method used in this article is the descriptive-analytical method in such a way that the biography of Imam Ali (AS) is analyzed and investigated in this context and it is tried to use documentary sources to reach the topics.
Findings: Among Western thinkers, there are different theories about justice, some believe that the implementation of justice is either not possible, or that it prevents progress and progress, or that justice is only a moral category. There are problems with these views: firstly, justice is a comprehensive concept and includes all matters of human life. Secondly, the implementation of justice has both the possibility of proof and the possibility of proof; Because throughout history there have been people who have been able to implement a certain amount of justice in society. Thirdly, the implementation of justice is not only an obstacle to progress, but also a factor and a driver for progress. In the Alevi way of life, "execution of justice" is considered possible; The reason is that he himself implemented justice in the society, in addition, he considered the implementation of justice in "all aspects of human life" as mandatory. The great efforts of His Holiness for the complete implementation of justice in the society and his recommendations regarding the necessity of realizing justice in all aspects of life, show his concern and attention to the category of justice and the wide scope of this concept, and it was basically to achieve this goal that he The position of martyrdom was achieved. Also, the four reasons mentioned in the text of the research show that, from their point of view, justice always leads to the decline of corruption.
Conclusion: Finally, what is observed among western and Islamic thinkers and also in Alavi tradition is that "there is a direct relationship between the administration of justice and the reduction of corruption, and the administration of justice causes the reduction of corruption in the society". As a result, the implementation of justice in the society provides the basis for the realization of the new Islamic civilization.


Main Subjects

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