Influence of the Quran’s Anthropological Components on Modern Islamic Civilization, Based on Allameh Misbah Yazdi’s (may his grave be sanctified) Viewpoints

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord Branch, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran


Purpose: The purpose of this paper, made by an approach to Allameh Misbah Yazdi’s  (may his grave be sanctified) Islamic thoughtful words, is to identify the anthropological elements and components of the Quran to shape modern Islamic civilization and its influence on this field.
Methodology: The research was made qualitatively, on a descriptive and analytical method. In terms of purpose, the research is fundamental, so the research results are efficient in drawing the Quran's anthropological components to shape modern Islamic civilization. The research was made by a library method, describing various propositions from religious evidence, data gathering via referral to written documents in books, articles, journals, and online searches among reliable resources.
Findings: The research findings imply that for the Quran’s anthropological components, with modern Islamic civilization, from Allameh Misbah’s viewpoints, four items can be inferred, self-knowledge, prosperity, human collective identity, and Islamic civilization. Concerning self-knowledge, discipleship, and its evolution, the interaction of the Self and action, and the influence of the Self dimensions on the elements and obstacles of discipleship are influential insightful, and impulsive damages. For discipleship disasters and struggling with them, the issues of negligence, attachment to temporal pleasures and healing them, the need for a moralist, the influence of a friend, and the necessity of a study plan are significant. For the contradiction between the Self and action, and human being’s quarrel with the Self, there is an opponent, called the Self; in the journey of culture and civilization, the invocation of wisdom and science can be a key to the challenge of good and evil. For the component of prosperity, the relativism of prosperity, the relation between prosperity and action as elements for achieving prosperity, the Quran’s evidence, obedience to the Prophets, and the truthfulness and innateness of prosperity play a significant role in civilization.Concerning human collective identity, individual relationship with society is considered in 5 fields, including pure constructs, skills, industries and inventions, real sciences and knowledge, the constructs with real origin (religious, moral, and legal values), and social powers; human personality and social perfectibility depend on the social elements of heavenly prosperity, the role of environment in human behavior, sanitation ways, and two-dimensional view. For Islamic civilization and its link with anthropological components, besides two functions, attracting public collaboration and Ummah (economic, social, political, and cultural) empowerment, and reducing responsibilities, Islamic civil society has some features such as 1) paying public rights; 2) utilizing thoughts to amend and improve methods and planning; 3) preventing social administrative evils, and preventing public injustice; 4) the public guidance and training; 5) fulfilling social obligations, and enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong, etc. For enjoining the good, people’s responsibility over each other, and the requirement of monitoring mutual behavior imply the fact, which is available partially in civilized societies, with different degrees of civilization. The significance of identifying these human-related components and beliefs, and acquaintance with their influence on modern Islamic civilization may play an undeniable role in drawing objectives, and the content of civilized systems and policies.
Conclusion: Islamic civilization is a set of customs, manners, rules, and principles of life, based on human innate to provide the best conditions for flourishing talents to proceed in the monotheistic direction. In recent years, disregarding Islamic values and the influence of the West has led to the decline of traditions and the spirit of civilization in Islamic society. concerning the Quran’s anthropological components, with modern Islamic civilization from Allameh Misbah’s viewpoints, realization and presence in divine future-making is impossible without self-knowledge, so self-knowledge will emancipate people from material constraint and lead to their role-playing in God’s excellent objectives for mankind. For prosperity, the truth of human happiness depends on permanent and comprehensive pleasure, so the content of civilization is a culture, rooted in the beliefs and values, and Islamic civilization is realized when a better context is created to achieve piety, leading to social prosperity. For human social perfectibility, the mutual relationship between people and their society, bolstering the foundations of social power, and social sanitation, with appropriate approaches, can facilitate the realization of an Islamic advanced and civilized society significantly. For Islamic civilization, considering Islamic values, ​​and dealing with the influence of foreign culture has led to traditions reception and civilization spirit in Islamic society, reviving the society, leading to people's attention and accountability, accordingly, return to Islamic civil society and promoting it to a modern Islamic civilization.


Main Subjects

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  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Meeting with Students of Roshd Theological School at the Educational and Research Institute of Imam Khomeini(may God rest his soul) 30/1/1395;

[link;]. [In Persian]Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Moral Lessons for the Academic Year 92-93 (Responsibilities to the Right), Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Third Session; The Influence of Social and Legal Duties on Personal Happiness; 10/7/1397; [link;]. [In Persian]

  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Moral Lessons for the Academic Year 92-93 (Love for God), Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Twenty-Eighth Session; Social Factors of Ultimate Happiness and Governmental Duties; 12/4/1393; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Moral Lessons for the Academic Year 95-96; Human Progress and Decline in the Mirror of Quranic Stories, Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Twenty-Second Session; The Role of Faith in the Unseen and Loyalty to the Covenant in Personal and Social Happiness; 2/2/1396; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Moral Lessons: Explanation of Imam Muhammad Baqir's (peace be upon him) Counsel, Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Eighth Session: Benefits of Sincere Deeds; 19/5/1390;[link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Moral Lessons: Longing Whispers (Explanation of Supplication 45 from Sahifa Sajjadiyya), Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Ninth Session; Divine Invitations; Means of Happiness; 6/4/1394; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Path of Growth, Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Seventh Session: Servitude to God; Path to Human Happiness; 11/8/1390; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Twenty-Third Session; Factors and Obstacles of Spiritual Journey; 6/3/1394; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; The Ascension Hadith; a Sea of Knowledge for Travel and Spiritual Journey; 7/3/1393; [link;] . [In Persian]
  • Statements of Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi; The Best and the Worst from the Perspective of Nahj al-Balagha, Qom, Office of the Supreme Leader, Date of Work: Eighth session: Sincerity and Justice, Two Principles of Happiness; 27/10/1385; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Statements of the Supreme Leader; Meeting with Students, Dignitaries, and Scholars of the Qom Theological School, 29/7/1389; [link;]. [In Persian]
  • Waram bin Abi Firas (1410 AD), Mas’ud ibn Isa, Tanbih Al-Khawatir and Nazhat Al-Nawazir known as the Collection of Waram, Qom, Faghih Library.