Guide for Authors

In this publication, no fee is charged from the authors for reviewing and publishing the articles, and the articles are published for free.

Scientific Conditions:

Respected authors are reminded to fully comply with the guidelines for writing articles in the authors' guide section in order to submit an article to the journal. It is mandatory and in case of non-compliance, the article will not be reviewed.

1- The article should be the result of the scientific research of the author or authors.

2- The article must be original and innovative.

3- In writing the article, the scientific research method should be observed, and authentic and original sources should be used.

4- The article must be analytical, critical and at the same time original; Therefore, translation and compilation have no place in this journal.

How to Review Articles

The received article will first be reviewed by the editorial board; If deemed suitable, it will be sent to expert reviewers for evaluation. In order to maintain impartiality, the names of the authors are removed from the articles. After receiving the opinions of the reviewers, the received results are discussed with the editorial board and if enough points are obtained, the article is accepted for publication.

Conditions for Compiling and Writing Articles:

  1. In terms of writing, the article should have a strong and stable structure and the principles of eloquence should be observed in its writing.
  2. Observance of the following editing and writing points is necessary, and it is a condition for the article to enter the editorial review and evaluation stage.

A.The article title should be short and indicative of the content of the article.

B.Details of the author or authors:

 (name and surname, academic rank, academic field, university, city where the university is located, country, and e-mail address, and all authors' orchid No.) and corresponding author information along with the title of the article and keywords in both Persian and English languages ​​in an attached sheet should be sent.

Note (1). The authors' details should be in a separate attached sheet in both Persian and English as follows:

Title: (top of the page)

Javadi Javadi (Corresponding author), Assistant Professor of ..., Shahed University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, e-mail address, Orchid code.


Note (2): How to get the orchid code (it's free):


Second. Enter the "For researcher" section from the menu at the top of the page.

Third. Select the "Membership"

Fourth. Select "become an ORCID member today"

Fifth: Click on "Register for an ORCID"

Sixth. Complete the information in the table

Seventh Click on "Register"

Eighth. Receive the 16-digit ID of Orchid

Ninth. Register the mentioned code in the journal system (in the authors' profile section)

Tenth: Getting this code is necessary for all article authors.

Also, in the link below, you can see a video guide for receiving the Orchid code.


C- The article should have English abstract, Persian abstract, introduction (problem statement), research background, theoretical or conceptual framework, research method, conclusion, and bibliography, respectively.


Note (1): Both Persian and English abstracts should be at least 150 and at most 250 words. The abstract should have 4 separate sections including the statement of the problem, objective, methodology, and findings.

Note (2): Persian and English keywords should be the same and between 4 and 7 words.


Note (3): The problem statement will include a statement of generalities, research question, and hypothesis if any.


Note (4): The background of the research should be given with an independent title and finally, the innovation of the article should be specified. Considering that the field of modern Islamic civilization studies is very new; It is appropriate to see the articles published in the Islamic Modern Civilization journal and use and review them in the background.


Note (5): The numbering of article titles starts from the background of the research. Therefore, there is no need to title the statement of the problem (introduction).


Note (6): Proper nouns and Latin terms should be mentioned immediately after their Persian words in parentheses in the text of the article.


Note (7): Tables and figures must be numbered. Also, the titles of all the tables should be inserted above them and the figures below them in the middle.


  1. In-text Citation:

Cite to the Persian source: (Javadi, 2011, vol. 2, p. 103)

Cite to the English source: (Nay, 2004, p54)

  • In In-text Citation, if the source is repeated, instead of using Ibid, op. cit and the same, the source should be written directly.
  1. Bibliography (References):


Last name of the author, name, (year of publication), title of the book in italics, name and surname of the translator, place of publication, publisher.


Surname, name, (year of publication), title of the article, name of the publication in italics, volume, (number): number of pages.


Author's last name, author's name (last date and time), subject title "in quotation marks", name and web address in italics

  1. The volume of articles:

  The article should be written in a maximum of 25 pages (between 6000 and 8000 thousand words).


  1. Get the similarity report of the article from the IranDoc website and upload it to the system.


  1. Complete the author's commitment and conflict form and upload it to the system (download at the bottom of this page).


This bi-quarterly is free to accept or reject the article as well as to edit it.

Submitted articles will not be returned under any circumstances.


  1. Articles in the system must be uploaded in two ways in the phase of adding files:


  1. The original file of the article (without authors' names):

It should include title, abstract and English keywords (first page); Persian title, abstract, and keywords (second page); Introduction (problem statement), research background, theoretical or conceptual framework, research method, conclusion, and bibliography.

  1. The article file (with the names of the authors) should be uploaded as additional files:

It should include the title, abstract, and English keyword + English description of the authors with the details mentioned in paragraph "B" (first page); title, abstract and Farsi keywords + Farsi specifications of the authors with the details mentioned in paragraph "b" (second page); Introduction (problem statement), research background, theoretical or conceptual framework, research method, conclusion, bibliography.


Authors' commitment form

Authors' conflict form

Flow diagram of the article acceptance process


Initial Acceptance requirements

   1- The article must have the characteristics of the second paragraph "scientific conditions" be adjusted according to the fourth paragraph "article writing conditions" and be sent as typed in XP 2007Word program with B Badr13 font.

    2- The articles taken from the thesis must be approved by the supervisor and his name should be mentioned as the first person in the article.

    3- The author must undertake not to send this article to any other journal at the same time and not to send it to other magazines until its assignment is specified in this journal.