Article Similarity Guide

All respected authors of articles that are approved in the initial review of the journal office, before sending the article to the referee are required to submit a request for similarity of their article in the Hamanandjoo matching system (Irandoc) at and the result from Send to the publication office through their personal page in the publication system. Otherwise, the publication office is exempted from continuing to review and send the article to the arbitrator.

The necessary information for submitting a request for similarity of the article in the same system (such as e-mail address and publication ID) will be informed in due time and by email to the author in charge of the article.

Dear users who have not used the mentioned system before and do not have a personal user account, can register in this system and request the similarity of their article by reading the following guide.

Guide to registering and requesting article similarity in Hamandjoo system (Irandoc)