comparative Study of Salafi and Western Approaches with Islamic Awakening in civilizational components "Emphasis on the religiosity and popular participation"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Islamic education and training. Farhangian univercity. Kermanshah. Iran

2 Associate professor of faculty of political thought: revolution and Islamic civilization. institute for humanities & cultural studies. Tehran. Iran.


Purpose: In this article, we will evaluate and analyze the awakening approach, the western approach, and the Salafist approach in terms of the level of attention and attention to religion and popular participation. How each of the mentioned currents organizes people's participation and the role of people and the place of religion in these approaches are examined in order to determine the degree of adherence of the approaches to the two components of religion and people and to determine the ratio of the approaches together as the main goal of the research.
Methodology: In examining the approaches with the analytical descriptive method, the primary hypothesis is that the approach of Islamic awakening emphasizes the presence of the people in the establishment of religious governments, emphasizes the existence of religion and the people in the government and the coordination of these two components in system building and civilization revival.
Findings: Western civilization also promotes the presence of people in politics and most of the new Western governments have been established on this basis, although without religious orientation. There is a deep conflict between the
western approach and the awakening approach, despite sharing the importance of people's participation, which needs to be investigated. On the other hand, the political cooperation of the West is done with the governments in the Islamic world, which, contrary to the Western approach, have made violence their focus on people's distance from politics. Western governments in the Middle East have deep support and cooperation with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and royal governments in political, social and operational programs, although the incompatibility of the approach of these Arab governments with the western civilizational approach in terms of relying on the people is obvious.
Conclusion: It is interesting that conflicting and divergent approaches in the field of popular governance are in the same direction in the implementation of military and international policies and measures. It is a question that needs to be investigated. On the other hand, these two approaches, one in terms of the importance of political participation of the people and the other in terms of supporting religion with the Islamic awakening approach, have a serious commonality. However, in practical policies, they appear in conflict with the approach of Islamic awakening. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the degree of adherence of currents to the component of institutional people and the component of religiosity. With the help of explaining in detail whether the foundations of each approach are slogan or real, the real nature of each approach is clarified according to the convergence or conflict with each other based on religiosity and popular institutions.


Main Subjects

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