The civilizational approach of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in the historical chapters of Bihar al-Anwar; Monotheism as a guiding concept

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of History and Civilization Department, (BOU) University, Qom, Iran

2 Professor of History and Civilization Department, (BOU) University, Qom, Iran.

3 Student of History and Civilization Department, (BOU) University, Qom, Iran


Purpose: The present research, with the method of thematic analysis, has collected the themes and discovered and extracted the civilizational approach of Ahl al-Bayt alaihim-as-salam in historical narratives from the book of Bihar al-Anwar. These historical reports are collected in four volumes in the book of Bihar al-Anwar in the section of the history of divine prophets. Civilizational approach as a level of analysis is used in this writing as the theoretical structure of the research, in which it seeks to discover the guiding concept and identity of civilization.  
Methodology: By examining the narrations, the basic themes were extracted according to the civilization indicators. Then these basic themes were placed in the organizing themes according to the subject unity, which are: ontology, anthropology, values, sociology. These themes were defined in two categories: theoretical foundations and structural foundations under the title of comprehensive theme. The tool for extracting themes from the text is the use of various software in this field. In this research, the MAXQDA software was used for the initial stage, and the initial themes were extracted from Bihar Al-Anwar's book and a network of themes was presented. Then, these basic themes were connected in the network of themes and some sub-themes, some main themes
and some central themes were obtained, and the structure of the research was adjusted accordingly. The theme that connects all these themes together and gives a civilizational identity to the society is monotheism and the call to it by the divine prophets, which has been mentioned many times in the narrations.
Findings: According to the themes extracted, the theme of monotheism has the largest number of themes. Monotheism is considered as a point of gravity of civilization both in terms of quantity and quality. All themes are connected with the theme of monotheism and find meaning with it. Monotheism is the most central and comprehensive belief and religious principle raised in religious texts and the speech and life of divine prophets. By analyzing and explaining monotheism, the truth is revealed that monotheism involves directing personal motives, and on the other hand, it involves human social life. Therefore, monotheism shows itself as the guiding concept of civilization and gives monotheistic societies a civilizational identity.
Conclusion: In explaining the civilization of monotheism, we are not looking for the spiritual or transcendental dimensions of civilization, but we are looking for the macro works of monotheism in this world and in social systems and human relations in this world. Explaining that believing in monotheism in this world also has functions and results that are different from the results of the other world. In this worldly approach to monotheism, our questions are such as "the moral and human nature of monotheism in human relations", "the unifying effects of monotheism in the world" and "ordering or systematizing the functions of monotheism in Islamic civilization". The civilizational approach of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is formed on the basis of monotheism and continues and expands on the basis of monotheism. Therefore, a civilized society is a society in which the leader of the society calls people to follow the divine orders that come within the framework of religion, and the law of the society is the same divine religion, and the people have reached growth and excellence. This society will not be practical unless the people are inside the strong and impenetrable fortress of "There is no God but God". Paying attention to this issue and the place of monotheism opens a new horizon in the studies of modern Islamic civilization for researchers


Main Subjects

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