An Introduction to "Despair" and "Hope" in the Rise and Fall of Islamic Civilization (Theological and Historical Approach)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute


In this article, the civilizing social traditions of the great prophets and in contrast to them, the social traditions of the rebellions from the perspective of the Holy Quran are studied. The Holy Quran looks at the social traditions of the great prophets as current traditions that play a role in the past, present and future of a single nation. In general, these traditions can be called the social traditions of civilization and in terms of ideals aimed at the future, the social traditions of the new Islamic civilization.
This article uses the method of describing and analyzing the verses of the Holy Quran with the method of interpretation and intellectualization, and if necessary, Nahj al-Balaghah and other narrations, and possibly the theories and views of Muslim thinkers.
The question is, from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran, what were the social traditions of the great prophets that led to the formation of a new Islamic civilization, and what were the rebellion social traditions against them? This study shows that the civilizing social traditions of the great prophets include: 1. The dignity of human beings against humiliation, 2. Guidance against misguidance, 3. Justice against the call to oppression, 4. Call for virtue and prosperity against corruption, and It becomes a crime. According to the Qur'an, the civilizing traditions of the prophets will eventually overcome the traditions of the rebellion and lead to the formation of a government of divine justice throughout the world and the formation of a new Islamic civilization


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