The role of organizing information in the realization of Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Imam Khomeini International University


Islam is considered as a focal point and central signifier for identifying the Islamic societies and states in various dimensions. However, all components of religious identity in the contemporary international system and especially the foreign policy of Islamic states have not been able to play their main role in shaping foreign relations and interactions. In some cases, reliance on identity has caused differences and even severe crises and conflicts. In such a way that the analysis of the current situation of the Islamic world does not envision a bright future on the horizon of the strategy of Islamic unity.
This article aims at examining the obstacles to the realization of a new Islamic civilization in the field of international relations, such as the existence of internal deviant trends or great foreign powers, with a futuristic approach. It attempts at investigating the obstacles to the original function of religious identity in the process of convergence of the Islamic world. It also tries to provide suggestions and solutions designed in order to strengthen the effectiveness of religious identity in the future interactive structure of the Islamic world. The main hypothesis is that in order to achieve convergence in the Islamic world, it is necessary to do have thorough strategies such as consensus building based on redefinition of the common religious literature; Awareness, consensus building and highlighting of subscriptions; The issue of reviving and redefining the common religious identity should be a strategic priority both at the micro level (such as the proximity of the elites of the Islamic world) and at the systemic level (using the capacities of actors, institutions and organizations active in the Islamic world).


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