Ibn Muskawiyyah's theory of civilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Research Institute and University

2 Researcher of the seminary and university research institute


The Muscovite civilization system was based on a philosophy that focused mainly on ethics and political thought. According to Ali Muskavieh's attitude, he is referred to as a moral sage in philosophy. He has also paid special attention to ethical principles in other branches of science, as he has not forgotten the increasing importance of ethics in writing history. What indirectly expressed the great value of those moral virtues? Ibn al-Muskawiyyah tried to guide man to the attainment of complete moral happiness and the creation of divine morality, and even one of his most important goals was in writing the history of Nilbuddin Arman. His approach makes him one of the leading Muslim historians in the field of history and one of the pioneers of the philosophy of history. In addition to being the first historian to break the criterion for measuring events in historiography, Muskawiyyah was able to harmonize the idea of ​​Iranshahri with the thought of Greece and the spirit of the Islamic religion. The Muscovite religion is a civil religion, and he examines religion as its Shari'a writers in its originality and independence, but from the point of view of "natural humanity" or "natural socialization", man interprets the rules of religion, and his civilized thought does not disappear in the face of morality. His view is actually based on civil moral reflection. As a result, Muscovite civil ethics must be practiced in civil relations. Ibn al-Muskawiyyah always emphasizes the harmony between science and practice. He also considers paying attention to ethics and human practice as the basis of learning sciences. Ibn al-Muskawiyyah considers the means of learning wisdom in abandoning lusts away from physical pleasures and believes that learning wisdom should be based on the method of proof. This article raises this hypothesis by asking the question on what principles the foundations of Ibn al-Muskawiyyah's civilized thought are based on. In Ibn al-Muskawiyyah's theory of civilization, philosophy is the only true education or the way of servitude. He emphasizes the purification of the soul and the study of argument and logic, and considers the knowledge of the natural sciences as a prelude to the attainment of the metaphysical sciences, and considers it as a stage in which man can attain the knowledge of true happiness. It should be noted that Ibn Muskawiyyah's approach to civilization, which is based on civil ethics, can be a suitable model for the methodology of Islamic and civilization studies for the realization of modern Islamic civilizationin order to explain the theory of civilization of Ibn al-Muskawiyyah.The Muscovite civilization system was based on a philosophy that focused mainly on ethics and political thought. According to Ali Muskavieh's attitude, he is referred to as a moral sage in philosophy. He has also paid special attention to ethical principles in other branches of science, as he has not forgotten the increasing importance of ethics in writing history. What indirectly expressed the great value of those moral virtues? Ibn al-Muskawiyyah tried to guide man to the attainment of complete moral happiness and the creation of divine morality, and even one of his most important goals was in writing the history of Nilbuddin Arman. His approach makes him one of the leading Muslim historians in the field of history and one of the pioneers of the philosophy of history. In addition to being the first historian to break the criterion for measuring events in historiography, Muskawiyyah was able to harmonize the idea of ​​Iranshahri with the thought of Greece and the spirit of the Islamic religion. The Muscovite religion is a civil religion, and he examines religion as its Shari'a writers in its originality and independence, but from the point of view of "natural humanity" or "natural socialization", man interprets the rules of religion, and his civilized thought does not disappear in the face of morality. His view is actually based on civil moral reflection. As a result, Muscovite civil ethics must be practiced in civil relations. Ibn al-Muskawiyyah always emphasizes the harmony between science and practice. He also considers paying attention to ethics and human practice as the basis of learning sciences. Ibn al-Muskawiyyah considers the means of learning wisdom in abandoning lusts away from physical pleasures and believes that learning wisdom should be based on the method of proof. This article raises this hypothesis by asking the question on what principles the foundations of Ibn al-Muskawiyyah's civilized thought are based on. In Ibn al-Muskawiyyah's theory of civilization, philosophy is the only true education or the way of servitude. He emphasizes the purification of the soul and the study of argument and logic, and considers the knowledge of the natural sciences as a prelude to the attainment of the metaphysical sciences, and considers it as a stage in which man can attain the knowledge of true happiness. It should be noted that Ibn Muskawiyyah's approach to civilization, which is based on civil ethics, can be a suitable model for the methodology of Islamic and civilization studies for the realization of modern Islamic civilizationin order to explain the theory of civilization of Ibn al-Muskawiyyah.


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