The principals of authority in the idea of Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Qom Academy of Islamic Sciences


The concept of civilization in the shadow of Quranic literature finds meaning in words of the Ummah, Medina, and Balad. Therefore civilization means the formation of a nation with a single identity and a single orientation in the shadow of which all areas of social life are formed. Islamic construction means organizing all aspects of social life based on revelatory teachings and establishing an Islamic lifestyle in the Islamic world. Therefore, the basis of the formation of the idea of ​​civilization is the flow of Islam and authority in this idea, and the principals of authority are "worship, regularity, understanding and objective efficiency." Worship means belief in the comprehensiveness of Islam and determination to rule revelation over all aspects of life, regularity means methodical in attributing thought to the sources of religion. Regularity means creating a rational understanding of the idea of ​​Islamic civilization among the thinkers of the Islamic world. Having objective efficiency means presenting the equations of change and occupation in social and natural phenomena in order to create a bed of worship of God and having the capacity to confront the civilization of complex infidelity in today's world and the possibility of providing effective versions to Islamic societies according to social and geographical requirements in the establishment process.


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