The model of the civilization-building system of understanding and futurism based on the Holy Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Studies, Baqer al-Uloom University, Qom

2 Ph.D students in Strategic Management, Futurology, National Defense University


One of the basic capacities of man is his God-given system of understanding and thought; Without it, no wise plan is possible. By recognizing and designing this device, it can be used for "civilization-building foresight" with a systematic, reproducible process. This theme, in the present age of illustration; Which is the heart of the futuristic apparatus, is one of the most widely used and effective methods of alternative civilization or rival of the West and Western thinking.  The importance is now more significant than ever. For this designing process the Qur'an and Itrat are essential to compile the model. Accordingly, the main issue of this research is "what and how the model or system of understanding and future oriented thinking of civilization builders are based on the Qur'an and Itrat." The aim of the research is to design this model in order to produce accurate and realistic visions of future facts and to adjust the present based on them in a civilization-building approach. The research method is thematic interpretation. The research findings show that, based on the verses of the Holy Quran and narrations, the various elements and components of the "model or system of understanding and futurism" include the mind, future visions, the system of thought and the system of motivation. The most important part of this device is the basic images, criteria or indicators, whose constituent elements, beliefs and convictions have been acknowledged and stored. Basic time visions include images of the past, present, or future, or images based on various other subjects are evaluated, measured, and acknowledged or even rejected. Based on the research findings, by applying the "model or system of understanding and futurism based on the Qur'an and Itrat" ​​in the "comprehensive dimensions of human relations" (relationship with God, himself, others, the world, the environment, etc) both at the individual and social levels; In the fields of science, technology, and domestic, regional and international levels, the process of civilization can be organized. By considering the components of "futurism apparatus" and "civilization”, It can be said that "the result of applying a model in which all aspects of the future are based on the Qur'an and Itrat will be civilization." This model can be considered as a subset of the "models of the perfect human future thinking machine". From the beginning of creation, it has sought the realization of "Islamic civilization" and "learning of Islam" in all aspects of individual and social life of man throughout the world. According to the research findings, "Islamic civilization-building futurism is a continuous and systematic action or thought process aimed at the future (hereafter and worldly); Due to the motive of fear of harm, greed for benefit or interest (love) resulting from the merit of the position of divine guardianship and leads to drawing a mental and objective plan (program) based on the Qur'an and Itrat, in order to achieve Islamic civilization


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