Measuring the capacity of moral ideas in creating the value system of the new Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D in Philosophy of Comparative Ethics, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute

2 members of the Faculty of Philosophy of Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute


Every civilization is based on a set of coherent ideas in several influential areas, which are referred to as system interpretations. The value system of any civilization, which includes the value and normative issues of a civilization, is one of the most important systems of a civilization. In general, any value system is composed of a set of beliefs related to the principles, goals, methods and norms. The role of principles, because of its key contribution in setting norms, is more important than other beliefs and precedes all of them, and a change in principles leads to a change in other stages. Hence, the value foundations of any civilization are important. Therefore, it is important to identify and introduce the value principles of Islam, which are among the advantages of Islamic civilization over other civilizations based on human intellects or feelings. Examining the evolution of the moral thought of Islamic thinkers and comparing it with the moral thought of the previous period, it is clear that many Islamic thinkers have tried to theorize in the field of the value principles of Islam. A comparative study of his view shows that the views of the new age are more compatible with the moral thought of Islam than the views of previous ages and show the capabilities of the moral thought of Islam and therefore have more potential to be used as a value basis of Islamic civilization. The present study seeks to examine and evaluate the evolution of the moral thought of the most important thinkers of the Islamic world (from Kennedy to Avecina), the capacity of the moral thought of the Islamic world in order to create a value system of new Islamic civilization.


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