Explaining the conceptual model of women's role in the realization of the new Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Social Welfare Planning, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Master of International Relations, Shahid Beheshti University


Throughout history, women have been and continue to be influential elements in changing the values, beliefs and behaviors of society. Due to her educational status, woman is the key axis of the family and the family is considered as the most important element of the social system and the fundamental core of its developments, the active institution of society; Thus, women in the family play an irreplaceable role in transmitting evolutionism to family members and through society. The Islamic Revolution is considered as a turning point in the history of human social development and the beginning of Islamic civilization. Capacity building and groundwork for the creation of Islamic civilization and monotheistic system is the horizon facing the Islamic Revolution. This is achieved through the establishment of all cultural, political, economic relations based on Islamic principles and with special attention to the issue of women and the family. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to investigate what and how women play a role in creating a new Islamic civilization by extracting and designing a role model for women in this civilization; Therefore, using the method of conceptual analysis and then modeling, it becomes clear that the flourishing of Islamic civilization is achieved through the expansion of awakening in the world, through human wills. Among these, women have a more key role than other sections of society; Because she is also a human-educator and a social-extender. By presenting a model of women's role in Islamic civilization, this study conceptually analyzes what this role is and explains how this role contributes to creating Islamic civilization.


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  3. امام خمینی، روح‌الله، (۱۳۷۶)، صحیفه نور، جلد ۵، مؤسسه تنظیم و نشر آثار امام خمینی.
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