Document Type : Original Article
Graduate of Futurology, Higher National Defense University
Professor and Faculty member of National Defense University
Ph.D students in Sociology, Kashan University.
Civilization is the product of human beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors and is a combination of hardware and software factors. Civilization Metaphors and myths The constituents of actions and actors in the field of civilization with cognitive-normative frameworks are committed to the preservation of civilization, which is the constituent of civilization-building attitudes and behaviors. The hardware components that oversee the formation and evolution of the material and physical identity of civilization are "obvious aspects", while the software components oversee the spiritual and internal identity and intellectual infrastructure of civilization.
Modern Islamic civilization as a special type of civilization, despite the commonalities in material elements with other civilizations in software and spiritual components is clearly different from other civilizations and has special and unique features. Therefore, its realization requires a civil transition (transition from a mixed, current contradictory civilization) and focus on the components of civilization in the context of Islamic and Muslim worldview.
This article aims to explain the dimensions and components of civilization in the horizon of modern Islamic civilization by emphasizing the five stages of civilization in the views of the Supreme Leader and with a combined method; Discourse analysis and layer analysis of causes (CLA) have been performed.
The results of this study showed that current civilizations are captivated by a one-dimensional and superficial view of man and the world, so passing through the current situation requires a civilized view of the world and attention to the various dualities of human existence and balance in material and spiritual.
In this article, the components of civilization in the form of "civilization transition theory" have been analyzed and studied in three levels: 1. Explicit layers, 2. Less obvious layers and 3. Hidden layers of civilization.
Natural and God-given resources and resources, geostrategic position, land, population and human resources, science and technology, development of infrastructure, space and communication to the material and hardware factors and components of civilization in the horizon of new Islamic civilization are explained.
Also in the dimension of factors and spiritual component of civilization-building software components include: relationship with the Creator and the origin of the universe (religiosity, trust and recourse, spiritualism, divine teachings and guidance of Imams, philosophy of waiting and perfectionism), social relationship with fellow human beings (Ethicalism, epistemology, justice, social capital), systems and systems (administrative system and government, education and innovation system, legal system, law, judiciary, order and security) are explained in the construction and horizon of the new Islamic civilization.
According to the Supreme Leader, the harmonious combination and internal accumulation of the layers of civilization with the strategy of Islamic-Iranian awakening entitled (combination of Hubula and Hub-va-ula) will enable the realization of a new Islamic civilization in Iran.