Imam Musa Sadr's critical view on The decline of the dignity of motherhood of a woman in the western materialistic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.


Purpose: The purpose of writing this article, which is done with a descriptive-analytical method, is Imam Musa Sadr's critical view of the decline of maternal dignity in the materialistic thinking of the West; Because in the position and position of mother, the type of civilization and worldview and attitude have a great impact. Three important issues are noteworthy in Sadr's works: First, he criticizes Western civilization in detail. The second issue is that the desired civilization of Sadr is based on religious teachings. His interpretation of the desired civilization is "religious and eastern civilization", which is different and distinct from the western civilization in terms of themes and content. The third point is that the agent of civilization is the human being who moves towards civilization with his own will.
Methodology: The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and critical, in which, by using the method of document study, the foundations and intellectual system of Imam Musa Sadr and Western civilization were first discussed, then by referring to opinions, opinions, writings and speeches. Imam Musa Sadr, the position and status of women as mothers in Islamic and Western civilizations have been investigated, explained and criticized.
Findings: Looking at the motherly role of a woman, which until now was considered a family role, is one of the innovations of Imam Musa Sadr as a basic strategy for building society. According to him, the societies that have suffered from intergenerational emotional breakdowns and have been attacked by moral crises have been deprived of ."maternal sense" and maternal affection In these societies, some have tried to replace this deprivation, to buy a sense of motherhood for them, and by hiring servants or institutions or nannies, to replace the sense of ceremonial motherhood. The historical root of the "commercialization" of the mother's position and the formation of "various companies" to replace the mother in the family is another issue that has received Sadr's attention. It should be noted that the deprivation of the family and society from the status of women and mothers is a great challenge of human material civilization. Sadr also points to the consequence of commercializing motherhood and ritualizing it, and that the new generation, who had little benefit from the sense of motherhood or the sense of motherhood was bought for them, when it was their turn, behaved in the same way for the next generations and There was no longer any hopeless service, God's infinite love, and deep and unbreakable affection. The maelstrom of material life drowns even the parents of the past generations in its waves, so that the new generation does not know them at all. Because of this, the generations were separated from each other and the emotional and intellectual connection between them was cut and the past and present were separated from each other.
Conclusion: The role of women in the family in the form of mother and maternal affection is actually a step to remove one of the main harms of the new civilization and move towards an ideal civilization, and it is on this basis that it can be said that Sadr has changed the perspective of the transverse relationship between the family and the society. To a longitudinal relationship and explanation of the motherly position of women in the family, in practice, the role of mother has been raised as a pillar of civilization. Depriving the family and society of the real capacity and status of women and mothers and their religious education is a great challenge of human material civilization. Getting rid of this great hardship and challenge that threatens the future of the entire civilization depends on the revival of the role of the mother and her motherly upbringing based on religious and Quranic principles. Therefore, Sadr believes that a woman, as a mother, is the main pillar of the family and society, and the responsibility of consolidating the family and the success of the family institution as a social responsibility rests with the woman.


Main Subjects

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