The conversational function of Quran in solving the problem of civilization Disintegration

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated with a PhD in Quranic and Hadith studies, Faculty of Theology, Qom University (Teacher at Qom University)

2 Associate Professor of Social and Civilization Studies,Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran.


Islamic civilization, which progressed in a convergent way, today is facing the problem of discontinuity and Disintegration. Of course, this issue is not specific to Islamic civilization, it can be said that today's world has suffered a Disintegration and incompatibility. In order to find a solution for this problem by using the analytical method and civilizational interpretation, this research refers to the Qur'an as an infinitive or the guiding idea of Islamic civilization, and focuses on "dialogue" among the solutions that the Qur'an has provided for this problem. With the " Interactive revelation and dialogue", the Qur'an sees its audiences not as spectators, but as active actors and opens the way for their participation in the text. This interactive book has been able to create a connection and coherency among its audiences by relying on the common aspects with the audience in three areas of mind, language and reality. The achievement of this conversation with the audience is the consolidation of "common identity" among Muslims, the foundation of "interactive meaning" and at the end "collective and committed action". In this view, the Qur'an is not a cultural product in the sense of being influenced by culture, but rather a product of interaction and dialogue, which acts as a "civilizational glue" and strengthens the bonds of people.


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