Compilation the components of an Islamic city based on upstream documents; A civilized approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 honar

2 Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic art university, Tabriz, Iran

3 Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art university, Tabriz, Iran


Islamic worldview has not overlooked the human and his life in any field, and, based on monotheistic principles, has considered his real needs in all material and spiritual dimensions. furthermore, understanding the components of an Islamic city in the documents of contemporary Islamic civilization can be influential in explaining the position of an Islamic city. The researchers aimed to formulate the components of an Islamic city from the perspective of contemporary Islamic civilization documents. In this regard, by examining the opinions of scholars and researchers in this field, the dimensions and components of an Islamic city based on the principle of monotheism were introduced. After studying the 3 documents of contemporary Islamic civilization, the components related to the Islamic city were identified and explained. Finally, since the documents of contemporary Islamic civilization serve as a strategic document shaping comprehensive principles for the country, The components of the Islamic city were extracted and aligned with the threefold systems of the Islamic city. This research indicate a meaningful relationship between the components of the Islamic city in the documents of contemporary Islamic civilization and the documents of the monotheistic principles of Islam. This has led to the presentation of a conceptual and operational model of the Islamic city based on monotheistic principles, along with the introduction of key indicators for its implementation.


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