Compilation the components of an Islamic city based on upstream documents; A civilized approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art univrsity, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Doctoral student of Islamic Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art univrsity, Tabriz, Iran.


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to compile the components and indicators of the Islamic city from the perspective of upstream documents.
Methodology: The method of research is content analysis and descriptive-analytical approach and logical reasoning, as well as collecting information using library and documentary studies. In this study, the components related to the city and Islamic urbanism were extracted from the meta-documents by analyzing discourse, so that first according to the purpose of the study, 3 upstream documents were studied and the keywords and components related to the Islamic city were extracted, and in the next step, the relationship of these components with the desirable city of Quranic verses was addressed and finally a conceptual model containing components The desirable city was achieved under the monotheistic principle.
Findings: In this study, based on the goals and questions that were formulated, researchers sought to formulate components of the Islamic city from the perspective of upstream documents. Therefore, in this regard, in the first step, by examining the views of scholars and researchers in this field, the dimensions and components of the Islamic city were identified and introduced based on the principle of monotheism. In the next step, according to the first question of research after the study of 3 upstream documents (second statement of revolution, the basic model of Islamic Iran, progress and the general generalization of Islamic-Iranian style)، components related to the Islamic city
were identified and explained. In the last step, since the upstream documents as a strategic document form the principles of all sides for the country, it also has the grounds for the formation of a desirable Islamic city The components of the Islamic city were extracted in upstream documents and adapted to the triple systems of the Islamic city and to answer the second question by communicating the components to the three principles of promoting monotheism in ethics and spirituality، The promotion of monotheism of belief was achieved in the manifestations and functional manifestations, and finally the promotion of monotheism of belief in physical manifestations and manifestations؛ Thus, the findings of this study show that there is a relationship between the components of the Islamic city of upstream documents with the documents of the principles of monotheistic Islam, which leads to the presentation of a conceptual and executive model of the Islamic city with regard to The monotheistic principle and the introduction of the macro index have been implemented. What is important as a result is the body and function of the Islamic city, the embodiment of culture and the display of the influence of the principles, spirituality and ethics of monotheistic Islam; hence, the perspective، The body and function of the city can represent the values that govern society. In the desirable Islamic city, considering the components of monotheism in ethics, security، Spirituality and public participation as social capital and its direct impact on the evolution of urban functions, including cultural functions and the revival and development of Iranian-Islamic symbols by preserving localization in Islamic urbanism In a way, with a justice-oriented approach between the functions of the city and the needs of the people of monotheism, there is a belief in conformity and finally in the body of the city to achieve the spiritual body and the spiritual spirit in the city.
Conclusion: Always a favorable city، It has been one of the aspirations of all human societies, which from the past have been trying to achieve from observing the rules and regulations in the design and construction of human cities and settlements.  In the present study, it was revealed that the Islamic city is based on three semantic, functional and physical systems. The semantic system in the Islamic city is influenced by theoretical monotheism and seeks to promote monotheism in ethics and spirituality. The functional system is also influenced by practical monotheism and aims to promote monotheism in functional manifestations and manifestations. The third system, the physical system, is affected by the combination of theoretical and practical monotheism, which seeks to promote monotheism in physical manifestations and manifestations. The Islamic city is in itself made up of the four connections of man, which in the majority of these three systems are influenced by the monotheism. because of the upstream triple documents (second statement of revolution, the basic pattern of Islamic Iranian progress and the general generalization of Islamic-Iranian style)، As a strategic document, the strategic principles of the country are formed in all aspects, so they also have the grounds for the formation of a desirable Islamic city.


Main Subjects

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