The role of culture theology in the engineering of religious culture and its requirements in designing a civilized lifestyle

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member of Islamic sciences academy of qom. Qom; Iran.


Methodology: In order to present its hypothesis, this research aims to prove its claim with library studies and the descriptive and analytical method of data and related texts and the collection of data aimed at the engineering of religious culture. In the same way, with a systemic and holistic approach to culture, as an integral dimension of society, the internal and external aspects of culture in relation to subjects, on a micro and macro scale, by multiplying the matrix and drawing different tables, new subjects in the field of culture engineering and It depicts a civilized lifestyle and shows the theological dignity of religious culture.
Findings: The analysis of the logical and rational ratio of the civilizational lifestyle from the perspective of the theology of culture is one of the innovations of this research. The expression of the macro indicators in the theology of culture, from the basis of religion and the possibility of classifying and modeling the subjects of religious culture and as a result the possibility of designing a style The life and power of engineering and culture management of religious society is one of the findings of this article.  
Conclusion: Civilized lifestyle, in the form of religious relations between the individual and the society, which is the objective embodiment of religious culture, is considered as an objective indicator for measuring religious culture and studying the state of vulnerability and evolution of religious culture and civilization. A civilized lifestyle under religious culture requires engineering from
the base of religion. Such engineering requires the classification and systematization of religious culture issues on an individual and civilizational scale. This is not possible without a rational encounter with the text of religion and the religious wisdom of religious culture. Theology of culture, as a methodical religious understanding that is concerned with religious authority, tries to coordinate the fixed dimension of religious culture, which monitors the desirable state of society, with the variable dimension of culture, which monitors the changing state of society, so theology plays such a role. according to indicators and goals such as: A: Inferring the principles, rituals, and mechanisms governing the evolution of religious culture B: Inferring the goals of its orientation C: Inferring its macro-theoretical foundations D: Inferring its engineering strategy and macro-plan M: Inferring the indicators of religious culture , it makes it possible to measure the engineering of religious culture. Therefore, without the theology of culture, you cannot have an accurate picture of the engineering of the lifestyle of a civilization based on religion. In fact, without theology, the lifestyle will lack a specific content. But the content of lifestyle, which is religious culture in different dimensions, scales and axes, cannot be obtained without knowledge of the theology of culture. At the same time, culture and lifestyle engineering, as a social science, tries to transform the content and material of the rich religious culture into an efficient civilizational culture in the context of changing social conditions. In this way, the proportions of the form and substance of the culture are harmonized, without the religious culture in the modern lifestyle. transformed or its rich capacity remains stagnant and does not have the power to flow. Therefore, designing a lifestyle is actually creating a structure for the correct flow of religious culture in social civilization. Therefore, any civilizational life model cannot be the platform for the emergence and flow of religious culture, but on the contrary, the structures and civilizational models borrowed from the West, hinder the flourishing of the power, capacity and growth of religious culture. Religion decreases from aggressive culture and in terms of cultural authority; A favorable situation in the society can be predicted, but the resilience of the society in the face of civilizational alienations will decrease and the motivations of the society to face the modern lifestyle will be doubted.


Main Subjects

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