The trust-building character of government agents at the standard of Islamic civilization according to the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Islamic Culture and Thought Institute, Tehran, IR Iran.


The purpose of this article is to achieve a model of the Alawi government for building trust by government agents. The thought of Imam Ali (as) can reveal approaches to trustworthy behavior between the people and the government. If the components of political trust are discovered and categorized in the thought of the Amir al-Mo'menin (as), it can be used in the direction of policy-making and governance in the new Islamic civilization. This article is written with the method of comparative study of Islamic political thought. The findings of the article show that the Alawi government uses four important components to gain political trust: "Compliance with the demands of the people", "Predictability of government behavior for the people" (by implementing policies such as transparency, appreciation, refraining, apologizing to the people, maintaining the government's credibility), "feedback and compensation mechanism" (with It was used to send inspectors and undercover agents, as well as to receive public complaints directly) and to "promote and strengthen trust-building norms" (norms such as fidelity, trustworthiness, gentleness and sociability, respect for the people, and honesty). The agents of the government of the Islamic Republic should also try to build trust by institutionalizing these components.


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