The process of formation of the "Great Good"(Civilized reading of the verse "Sunboleh" in the Holy Quran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Director of the Research Institute of Civilization and Social Studies.

2 Master of Quranic-Civilization Studies, Al-Zahra Society, Qom


Civilization has a normative meaning and one of its elements is the norm, the dense existence of goodness, fame, and goodness in the process of civilization. The central question of this article is what "good" can appear at the level of a civilization and play a role in the formation of civilization, and what mechanism underlies the birth of "civilized good" and how the micro-good becomes the social good. In this article, not all the dimensions of "good" civilization are discussed, but only a civilized reading of the "good" element has been focused in order to use the verse "Sunboleh" in the Qur'an to determine the process of goodness on the scale of a society or civilization. Also, from a theological point of view it emphasizes the doctrine that the element of being "in the name of God" or "on the way of God", although at first glance it seems a theological and behavioral matter, but in the social and civilized sense it can have great functions of civilization, which can make a small good effective at the level of a civilization. The purpose of this theological-social and theological-civilization course in the article is to explain the mechanism of generalization of social phenomena on the one hand, and to express the effects of theological elements in social fields on the other. In order to achieve such a goal, this article emphasizes and focuses on a verse from the Qur'anic verses so that a civilized and systematic reading of a verse can show the process of civilization from the perspective of Islamic theology and recommend it in the civilization plans of the Islamic world.


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