The effect of Islamic Revolution Theory on the Institution of the Islamic Government

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D candidate in Politics, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Asosciate Professor, Faculty of Politics, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D candidate in Islamic thought Teaching, Islamic Maaref University, Qom


The Islamic revolution is a “perfect” but “incomplete” revolution. It is in the midway of its desired socialization. A major part of the loose foundation and the slow pace of movement in this process is related to the lack of the Islamic government. In this regard, our main problem is the lack of attention to the appropriateness of the Islamic revolution’s selected theory with the construction of the desired Islamic government. Therefore, the authors have attempted to answer this question: how the Islamic revolution’s selected theory influences the construction of the desired Islamic government? Thus. the aim of this study is to format the effect of Islamic revolution theory on the construction of Islamic government in Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s political thought. Findings indicate that based on his thoughts, unfamiliarity of the Islamic revolution and the revolution’s architects’ unheard narrations have resulted in “delay and deficiency in the constitution of the desired Islamic government”. The methodology of this research is qualitative analysis of texts and the required information has been gathered through documentary studies. The research findings suggest that in order to accelerate the realization of the Islamic government, we need to achieve the philosophy of the Islamic movement in order to rationally explain the process of transforming a movement to an institution.


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