Describing the Dimensions and Criteria of Radawi Utopia with an Emphasis On Justice in Urbanism

Document Type : Original Article


Assistance Professor, faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic art University, Tabriz, Iran


The definition of utopia on the basis of Islamic teachings is one of the necessities for the Islamic society to achieve prosperity. The Muslim community faces many social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues, especially in the field of architecture and urbanization, highlighting the need for recognizing the status quo and presenting an Islamic model for the current era. The lack of spirituality and sustainable tranquility, materialism, extreme consumerism, confusion in urban spaces, disruptions in construction, and the increasing trend of environmental degradation are among the most important threats of contemporary Iranian society. The Razavi utopia, based on the teachings of the eighth Shiites’ Imam, gives rise to truthfulness in all aspects of human life, leading human beings to its prosperity. As an analytical, documentary and interdisciplinary research using documentary and content analysis methods, this research aims at providing a comprehensive model for studying cities from the present situation to the desirable, centered on the teachings of Razavi, has been. The results of the study show that the main elements of Razavi's utopia include human dignity, modesty, good temper, co-operation, kindness and affection, reverence to the environment, moderation and working in the natural system, which can be applied to solve the problems of contemporary cities, so that planning and designing of regulations and the existing rules in the educational and executive era they can be identified and corrected. Then, in order to institutionalize them in all social, cultural, economic, environmental and physical aspects, encouraging and advising actions can be taken along with long-term and medium-term plans


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