Drawing the Role and Place of the Concept of Social Capital in the Formation of a New Islamic Civilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Social Science, Azad Islamic University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.

2 Ph.D Candidate, Department of communication, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.


The concept of social capital, as presented by various scientists, mostly includes concepts such as trust, cooperation and mutual cooperation between members of a group or a community, participation and aspects of social structure that form a purposeful system and turn them towards interests. The subscriber leads. Accordingly, the concept of social capital and, in a way, the importance of communication, is one of the important components in explaining the pattern for achieving a New Islamic Civilization.
Ayatollah Khamenei, as the most important theorists in the field of New Islamic Civilization, has drawn a special geometry for this civilization that has a special place in social capital. Researchers in the present research are trying to examine the position of the concept of social capital in their view of civilization. To they first tried to answer the question of what the concept of New Islamic Civilization means from their point of view and what are the most important features of its realization? And what is the place of social capital indicators in this definition?
To answer these questions, first, the social capital literature was reviewed by documentary analysis-libraries, then the definition of New Islamic Civilization and indicators of social capital were extracted from the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei by the method of Grounded Theory that support and immunity of the Islamic system, and the establishment of mutual relations between the government and the nation along with the creation of a sense of social responsibility are the results of increasing social capital


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