The role of the civilized state in entrepreneurship: a framework for the future of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher of Futures studies, Qazvin, I.R.Iran.


State of problem: The Gap Between the Civilizational Perspective and the Passivity of the Government Institution in Iran in Short-Term and Superficial Matters, and the Neglect of Institutional Agency.
purpose: To study the institutional action and policy of the civilized government in entrepreneurship in order to strengthen the internal power.
Method: The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical, and the information was collected in a library and in-depth interviews.
findings: The idea of being civilized makes sense to make changes at the institutional level and move away from government inaction about the future.
The government should be inspired by the sources of civilization, at a deep level, i.e. institutional agency, to pave the way for a new Islamic civilization. Civilized entrepreneurship beyond superficial policies, i.e. new institutionalization based on understanding the facts of the Iranian Islamic In this narrative, businesses grow naturally and deeply, and consistently this narrative, businesses grow naturally and deeply, and consistently.
The discourse of the civilized state is the basis for the formation of a new world and a new future and also cause a mental framework within the actors towards entrepreneurship.


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