Elite arrangement, youth and challenges facing the new Islamic civilization; Emphasis on academic elites

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Political Science, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, I.R.Iran.


With the expansion of developments and new interactions, young people and new generations have been largely influenced by new dimensions of elite and social character design in forms such as symbolic elites (movie, sports and art stars). This issue may become a serious challenge when this new group of elites acts as the main drivers of society and practically replace the intellectual elites and turn to specialized issues and macro-policies of societies such as political and economic lines, and even ideologically undertake.
Objective: The present study seeks to address the question of how scientific elites can return to their original position for the development and progress of the Islamic world with a futuristic research approach and script writing method. Main Hypothesis: Elites and thinkers achieve the intellectual authority and leadership of societies if they can, firstly, in accordance with the original characteristics of societies, recognize the needs and demands of the people, and secondly by using new capacities and interaction methods such as cyberspace and Accompanying symbolic elites to turn their ideas into pervasive values in society.
Findings: The expansion of international interactions such as cyberspace provides new opportunities for the intellectual elites of the Islamic world by relying on the common values and beliefs of the Islamic world regarding human dignity can also cause internal influences for development. And be considered as one of the main drivers for the convergence of the Islamic world.


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