Civilizational challenges facing the Islamic Revolution of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Faculty of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University,

2 Ph.D student, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University


The Islamic Revolution of Iran claims to be a new social order that manifests itself on a pervasive level in the form of new Islamic civilization. Moving towards a new Islamic civilization is fraught with challenges that shape the issue of this research. The method of data collection in this research is a documentary study and information analysis has been done by content analysis method. Based on the findings of this study, civilizational challenges of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the categories of "possibility of realization of new Islamic civilization", "requirements of realization of new Islamic civilization", "scope of civilizational transfer of new Islamic civilization" and "meaning and objectivity" In new Islamic civilization, it can be classified. The impossibility of realizing new Islamic civilization is a challenge that is being explored in this paper. Social expansion of revolutionary rationality, training of human resources at the level of new Islamic civilization, transformation in the humanities and excellence of management model, lifestyle reform and increase of intercultural interactions are the most important requirements for the realization of new Islamic civilization that lack of pay attention to them will be One of the main challenges of civilizational movement of the Islamic Revolution. Intellectual developments, scientific advances, intercultural interactions, social divisions, political seditions and international wars are among the mechanisms of the scope of civilizational transfer, that lack of management them will face the movement of the Islamic Revolution with serious challenges. Lack of meaning and objectivity is also one of the most important challenges of any civilization.


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