Man as a nation in the Holy Quran (Case study of verses 123-120 of Surah An-Nahl)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D student in Quran and Hadith, AlZahra University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.

2 Professor of Quran and Hadith, AlZahra University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Social and Civilization Studies,Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran.


The ummah, the super-system of human relations, is unique in the Holy Qur'an and the trans-civilized. However, in verse 120 of Surah An-Nahl, Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is called the ummah alone. The capacity of the ummah in the form of "one person" and "human system" raises the question of how a human being can create a role in the form of a nation? For this purpose, and in order to extract the characteristics of the nation of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), the interpretations of the sects about verses 123-120 of Surah An-Nahl were examined comparatively. The ummah is introduced in the Holy Quran at two levels: "the system of the nation" and "the individual of the nation".
Among all the characteristics of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), the nation of Hanif Ebrahimi is the unique characteristic of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) It seems that this feature, along with features such as "Qanta Allah", "I am not one of the polytheists" and "Shakra Lanameh" has made her the ummah. The nation of Hanif Ebrahimi is the rational origin of the ultra-civilized system of the ummah Which transcends temporal, spatial and racial boundaries And it encompasses all the righteous human beings of the universe at any time and place and with any divine religion. On the other hand, the great extent of the existence of Ibrahim (AS) in the form of the ummah, with the connection between the Alawite selves of human beings, leads the hearts of the righteous human beings of the world to the ummah.


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