Comparing the social traditions of the civilization of the prophets and the Rebellion from the perspective of Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of the Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture


Although "hope" and "despair" are categories related to the individual psyche of society, but in a macro perspective, each of these two has played a significant role in the rise and fall of civilizations, including Islamic civilization. The roots of civilization's despair and hope have always been variable in history. Which is sometimes influenced by religious beliefs (Promise) and sometimes arising from social and political developments (such as the Crusades or the Mongol invasions). What will be emphasized in this article is first a theoretical and theological review (in the Islamic, Christian and Jewish perspectives) of the relationship between "hope", "faith" and "civilization". Then, in another step, with a brief overview of the past and the seven periods of Islamic civilization. Examples of hopes and disappointments and great social effects of each at rise and falls of civilization are pointed out at the historical process of moving from despair to hope. Namely, from Arab ignorance to the society of Medina at the turning points of Islamic civilization


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