The model and theory of efficiency of the Islamic State with the civilized approach and application to its practical implications from the perspective of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher on Iran Issues and Ph.D of Political Science, Baqer Al-Uloom University, Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran


The subject of the present study is the model and theory of efficiency of the Islamic State with a civilized approach and application to its practical implications from the perspective of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei. In order to achieve the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, the formation of the Islamic State is the third stage of the five-stage process of progress and achievement of Islamic civilization. On the other hand, if the government is efficient, it can lead to the realization of a new Islamic civilization. Knowing this issue, the present study seeks to extract the theory of efficiency of the Islamic state from the thought of the leaders of the revolution. The main question of the research is: "What is the model and theory of efficiency of the Islamic State in the approach of civilization from the perspective of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei and what are its practical implications?". Grounded theory method and MAXQDA software were used to answer the main question and to present the theory. Based on the research findings, the efficiency of the Islamic State in the field of divine legitimacy and popular acceptance of the system and the implementation of Islamic law in society and based on the structure and manner of interaction and action of the government and agents in the economic, political, cultural and social fields. It is the moral and managerial responsibility of the officials to remove or confront internal and external obstacles. The realization of Islamic society and civilization and the establishment of justice, the achievement of high Islamic goals and the dignity and independence and all-round progress of the country, are among the effects and blessings of such an efficient government.


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